What was that all about?!

by William C. Treurniet

I'm retired from a career in science where one is paid to study acceptable topics. It's fun now to think outside the box without being overly concerned about approval from mainstream science. I use accepted scientific methodology where possible in the exploratory research, while some articles simply report observations of anomalies. No topics are taboo, and the intention is to contribute new insights to discussions that interest me.


Wilbert Smith

Global consciousness project

Pyramid power

UFOs and extraterrestrial activity

New concepts in physics

Conjectures about the big picture

Physical mediumship, spirit energy, and consciousness

Evidence of multidimensionality

Somewhat important contributions

Possible artifacts on asteroid YU55

An observed property of UAPs in photographs    (PDF)
WISE Journal, Vol. 6(4):117, 2017

A cosmology founded on intrinsic attributes of consciousness
J. Consciousness Exploration & Research, 10(6):454-474, 2019

An extraterrestrial cosmology of consciousness  (PDF)
Reprinted from “A Greater Reality: The New Paradigm of Consciousness, the Paranormal, and the Contact Modalities - Vol. 1”, 2022

A proposed medium for Maxwell's theory of electromagnetism    (PDF)
J. Consciousness Exploration & Research, 13(4):516-520, 2022

An idealist model of quantum entanglement    (PDF)
J. Consciousness Exploration & Research, 14(2):115-122, 2023

Analysis of conversations with the Zeta race

Other people's monitors

Current space weather conditions
World sunlight map
Schumann resonances
Schumann amplitudes
SOHO images of the sun
STEREO images of the sun
IRIS seismic monitor
Earthquakes - 7 days
Earthquake 3D
LHC Dashboard

Other people's tools

Moon phase calculator

Mayan calendar calculator

Great circle distance calculator

Time and date calculators

Latitude and Longitude finder

Solar System Chart